Working with SVG Images in Android Studio

使用AndroidStudio转换:AndroidStudio内置了将SVG转换为PNG的功能。打开您的项目,然后导航到“File”菜单。选择“New”>“ImageAsset”,然后选择“Vector ...,ConvertscalablevectorimagestoPNGwithCloudConvert!Ourconversiontechnologypreserverestransparencyandallow...。參考影片的文章的如下:



使用Android Studio转换: Android Studio内置了将SVG转换为PNG的功能。打开您的项目,然后导航到“File”菜单。选择“New”>“Image Asset”,然后选择“Vector ...

SVG to PNG Converter

Convert scalable vector images to PNG with CloudConvert! Our conversion technology preserveres transparency and allows to scale lossless the vector to any ...


Manage your Icons in SVG and generate the needed PNG into your projects as needed. No Web Service needed, just an executable JAR file.

SVG Viewer: SVG to PNG

評分 4.1 (103) · 免費 · Android · SVG Viewer is a powerful tool to view, manage, and convert SVG files right on your Android device. With an array of features designed for ...

Image converter for Android, iOS, and Web by Respresso

Upload a vector image (svg, pdf, android vector drawable) to get scalable vector icons for Android, iOS and Web. Or upload a raster image (png, jpg, jpeg, ...

android - Java - From SVG to PNG programmatically

The Android Support Library does not support SVG files. It supports VectorDrawables, which are not the same. A subset of SVG files can be converted to ...

Convert SVG vector to Android multi

I found this Github Java project, named SVG to PNG Converter, really quick and easy to convert SVG files to Android compatible png drawables.

SVG to Vector Drawable Converter

Online batch converter of SVG, PNG, JPEG / JPG, GIF, BMP, TIFF / TIF images to Android vector drawable XML resource files. A great tool for developers and ...


Use this free online SVG to PNG converter to convert SVG files to PNG images, quickly and easily, without having to install any software.

Convert SVG to PNG online for free

Use Canva's SVG to PNG online converter to produce complex, non-animated images for print or web—no sign-ups or software installations required.


使用AndroidStudio转换:AndroidStudio内置了将SVG转换为PNG的功能。打开您的项目,然后导航到“File”菜单。选择“New”>“ImageAsset”,然后选择“Vector ...,ConvertscalablevectorimagestoPNGwithCloudConvert!Ourconversiontechnologypreserverestransparencyandallowstoscalelosslessthevectortoany ...,ManageyourIconsinSVGandgeneratetheneededPNGintoyourprojectsasneeded.NoWebServiceneeded,justanexecutableJARfile.,...

SVG 轉檔 PNG 超簡單,IE 開啟另存新檔就完成

SVG 轉檔 PNG 超簡單,IE 開啟另存新檔就完成
